May 25, 2024

Due diligence platforms offer users a suite of tools to manage information, sharing documents and other information during the M&A process. They offer advanced analytics and a process automation to make the process easier. These tools can also lower the risk of mistakes and miscalculations while making crucial decisions. Certain tools can even detect hidden risks and opportunities within large data sets.

The top due diligence software options include features such as customizable workflows and questionnaires enabling teams to gather relevant information in a systematic manner and ensure uniform coverage. Document security features like dynamic watermarks, fence view and redaction are also included. These features protect sensitive data against unauthorised access. Other features such as the activity logs as well as the detailed audit trails make it easy to detect any issues that could be causing problems.

Automated due diligence platform also enables companies to keep up with the ever-changing digital landscape. Human teams are slow to adjust their processes and methods. Those who use an automated system will be more competitive in the long run.

Xapien’s Intelligent Automated Due Diligence (IADD) solution combines structured data (databases, etc.) with unstructured information from news sites blogs, corporate websites and other sites. It checks the information against a database and identifies any false positives. It can then highlight any potential issues and risks to the deal, assisting managers assess the advantages and disadvantages of a transaction.

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